
In January 2014, Mark fell on a winch on our boat in the
Marquesas. His chest hurt way more than expected, but the pain eased after a
few days. Then, he felt a bump, which he attributed to the injury of the fall. Two
months later while we were in the Tuamotus, the lump was still there, and we
started to worry, so we sailed to Tahiti for a check-up. Upon arrival, we
immediately rushed to the main hospital in Pape’ete, with subsequent visits.
The ultrasound didn’t conclude anything, a biopsy suggested cancer, and in the
beginning of May, Mark jumped on a plane to Boston. The tumor was removed in
breast cancer was diagnosed, Mark was referred to Dana Farber in
Boston and the fight against cancer started.
operation removing the sentinel lymph node followed with
lots of talks to doctors and four weeks of
radiation. After months of heavy emotions,
meltdowns, disbelief, fear, anger and treatments, Mark should be cancer free at
the moment, but there is no way of telling.
Male Breast Cancer

MEN CAN GET BREAST CANCER. It is not something we ever
thought of or imagined happening to Mark. Usually, male “victims” notice the
bump themselves. We hope with Mark’s story, we have pointed out the possibilities
of male breast cancer to our (male) readers. Although the chances are very
small (1 out of 1000), or as Mark says “With me being the one guy to have
breast cancer, none of my friends should have to worry about it anymore!” – be
aware! As for women, and this is a shocking fact to me as well, the chance of
having breast cancer at some point in your life is 1 out of 8; that is 12.5%!!!
The breast cancer reoccurrence rate is 20%.
BRCA Gene Mutations
When Mark’s sister Dru passed away a year ago, after a long
and brave fight against ovarian cancer, we knew she was a BRCA1 carrier. But,
knowing that this gene mutation presented a higher risk for breast and ovarian
cancer – both female diseases, so we thought – we were only worried for Dru’s
daughter, who, fortunately, does not have the BRCA1 gene. Little did we know
that Mark was a carrier of the gene mutation as well and a year after his
sister’s passing, it would cause havoc in the family again. If you have a lot
of breast and ovarian cancer in your family, it might be wise to look into the
BRCA1 and BRCA2 history. The statistics are horrendous. Women carrying the
BRCA1 gene have a 50 – 85% risk of developing breast cancer (and > 50%
chance of a second one) and a 20 – 40% risk of developing ovarian cancer (which
has a high mortality rate, because by the time it is diagnosed, it is usually a
stage 4 cancer!). For men with the BRCA1 gene mutation, the risk for breast
cancer is 1% (yes, Mark is a rare case) and there is an increased risk for
prostate and skin cancer. Men and women with this “gene” also have a higher chance of
developing pancreas cancer.
The Importance of
Healthy Food
It is common sense that eating healthy is important, but we
didn’t realize just how important it is – in relation to breast cancer - to cut
certain foods and drinks out of our diets. In Dru (who ate incredibly healthy
vegetarian and organic food for most of her life) and Mark’s case, the bad
genes ignored the healthy food approach, but Mark and I still believe that
eating healthy might decrease the risk of (breast) cancer reoccurrence or of the
development of new cancers, as it would in the general population. The big no
no’s are sugar (which “feeds” cancer cells), fried food, processed meat and alcohol. But, non-organic
and genetically modified food are also not good for you, and one should be
careful with certain oils (especially palm oil, which is awful for the health and the environment), red meat and canned goods.
Unfortunately, following
this advice is basically impossible with the current attitude of the food
companies and with what is available on the market. The only way to live a
healthy life in this culture and this time is to grow your own food, which is
only partly doable for most, or buy all organic produce, which more and more grocery
stores offer. The GMO foods are a toughie for everyone (yell at the FDA!). And,
if you add living on a boat in the middle of the Pacific with limited food
availability to that tidbit of information, following a certain diet becomes
hard. But, we will do our best and try to stick to chicken (with no added
hormones, and ideally antibiotic-free), vegetables (especially cruciferous ones: broccoli, cabbage, bok
choy, spinach, sprouts …), olive, canola and peanut oil, fruit, whole grains
and tea. Phytonutrient-rich foods and anti-oxidants are recommended.
The Experts

Mark and I cannot thank our medical team of Dana Farber and
Brigham and Women’s hospitals enough for their knowledge, help, time,
understanding and compassion. Thank you to medical oncologist Dr. Jeselsohn,
radiation oncologist Dr. Harris with nurse Mary, and surgeon Dr. Carter. We also
appreciated the professionalism and care of Newburyport doctors Dr. Jackson and
Dr. Bentley.
The Support

And, while we are at it, we would like to show gratitude to
all our friends and family for their support by emails, phone calls or in person.
We are very fortunate and grateful to have found a personal retreat in the
house of Mark’s parents Stan and Carol and in AstraZeneca Hope Lodge in Boston
during this ordeal. And, last but not least, we thank our good cruising friends
Leo and Gesina of SV Seluna, Fabio and Lisa of
SV Amandla, and Birgit and
Christian of
SV Pitufa for keeping an eye on and taking care of our floating
home Irie in Tahiti during the last 3.5 months!
The Future
Who knows about our future? Who knows about any future? In
the short term, Mark and I will go back to Irie and spend more time in French
Polynesia (Societies). As of now, Mark’s chest is still red from the radiation
and a lot of the hair has to grow back. He will take the hormone drug Tamoxifen
for 5 years (depending on possible side effects) and needs a check-up every six
months. We will never know whether the breast cancer is totally defeated, or
whether it will reoccur, or whether another cancer will develop. Cancer is part
of our lives now and forever, but so is our love for each other and the realization
that medical discoveries and cures will keep improving…
One of the "bridges" between Dana Farber and Brigham and Women's |
Walking through one of the "bridges" between the main hospitals |
Mark and his surgeon, Dr. Carter |
Mark and the helpful Darlene of Dr. Carter's office |
Weekly check-up with Dr. Harris and nurse Mary |
Thank you to all our friends and family for their support |
1 comment:
Thank goodness that Mark was in such good hands and surrounded by so much love #nextstoptahiti
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